commissions: open

Howdy hey, g'day!
I go by Tea or Buttercup! I'm an Australian-based digital artist, It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

about tea!

Commissions: OPEN
Timezone: ACDT

I'm Tea! I do a variety of digital art, focusing mainly on character design, logos, illustrations and assets for streaming / content creation!

You can find listings for my commissions on VGen & Ko-fi! Alternatively, feel free to contact me through Discord/Twitter: @TeaInAButtercup or through email: [email protected]
View my waitlist to see my commission progress :)

commsission rates

If you're unsure about anything please contact me through my socials!
Discord/Twitter(x) : @TeaInAButtercup

Youtube Thumbnail (base price)(additional characters)
$50 USD each (up to 3 characters)+$5 USD per additional character
  • example shown above

  • (Simple youtube thumnails including 1-2 characters and a simple background).

Channel Banner (eg, youtube, twitter)
$35 USD (additional details may cost more)
  • example shown above

  • (Simple banners optimisedd for the specifications requested, youtube, twitch, twitter etc.)

$35 USD
  • example shown above

  • (VTuber inspired logos for personal or commercial use!)

Emote (singular)Emotes (bundle min.4)Animated Emote(s)
$6.50 USD each$5 USD each$10 USD each
  • example shown above

  • (stylised emotes of existing character/oc)

Animated PNG (singular)Animated PNG (bundle min.3)
$50 USD each$45 USD each
  • example shown above

  • (Two animated gifs of your desired character blinking with slight alterations.)

  • Please note: bundle rates only apply if you order a minimum of 3.

(Waist up) Illustrated PNG & Simple Background(additional character)
$60 USD each$45 USD each
  • example shown above

  • (fully rendered waist up character illustration, additional characters / more complex background = additional charge)

For any other inquiries please contact me through Twitter or Discord @TeaInAButtercup!


Various creators i work with/ have worked with!

Various thumbnails:
@Laiyenz / @laiyenzTV

Various Logos/Character Design:

Bust up illustrations

animated profile picture

Simple sketches

animated doodle

partial body / chibi

fully rendered illustration


Before commissioning me please include this information!Name/Username: (how you want me to address you!)Commission Type: (What you want me to draw: see my commission rates to identify what you'd like/estimated pricing)Specifics: (Include details and reference on the character/oc that you want me to draw. Images are appreciated!)Contact information: (where you like me to send the completed files)Example:
Hello! I'm (name), I'm looking to commission you for a waist up fully rendered illustration with an additional character with a transparent background. Here are some references for my character(s). Here they are; (insert image of character(s)).


This agreement is between I, the artist and you, the client. By commisioning me you are agreeing to the terms of service written below.CONTENTI. TERMS
Please make what service you would like from me clear and include a basic description of what you want.
While pictures reference sheets or images are always suggested for the best product possible, text is also acceptable.
I, the Artist, have the right to refuse or turn down the project if it is not within my capabilities.
Content I am able to produce and have experience creating includes:-"Anime" style characters
-"Chibi" style characters
-Characters of any gender
Content I am not able to do includes:-Complex Backgrounds
After review of the project and when I am able to begin work, an invoice will be sent to you.
All payments must be paid in full upfront unless specified otherwise.
All payment is to be made through PayPal in USD or through Kofi.
The time needed to complete the work will be included in the initial invoice. While most projects will be completed within a week, factors that can change this include:
- Complexity of the illustration
- Current workload
- Amount of references given
- Requested changes in the illustration after initial revision.
I will actively reach out for feedback and expect that if major changes need to be made, they will be requested early into the process. Requesting changes to the work after the sketch phase is completed will constitute an entirely new commission and thus will be subject to an additional charge. Delivery for smaller projects can be made through Discord however please notify me of the best platform to send any larger projects, eg. Google Drive, email.IV. COMMUNICATION
Communication will take place during the entirety of the commissioning process.
I will actively send updates before transitioning to the next phase of the project. I will also send updates if there is anything to show or if anything will cause a delay in the given delivery time.
I use Twitter and Discord DMs as my main line of communication but, can use whatever is preferable for the client if agreed to.
I, the artist, hold the original right and ownership of the produced work.
This includes using the produced artwork to promote myself, use in my portfolio and display on websites or social media. I also have rights to any unused works made during the process of the work for personal use or future works.
The client is granted exclusive rights for personal use of the work. Personal use examples include: Social media posts, profile pictures, use on websites, livestreams and videos.
The client is able to claim the right to the character(s) but not to the work itself. Unless specified or discussed, clients may not reproduce or resell the work unless discussed and agreed upon.
Any work completed may not in any way be used for NFT, blockchain purposes and AI-generating purposes at any point.
Clients may not claim any received works as their own creation, incomplete or otherwise. Any works must be credited to me as the artist using my social media username or link. (@TeaInAButtercup)
I, the artist have every right to cancel and refund the money if a conflict arises at any point. If this happens a full refund will be issued within 72 hours (3 days).
If a client requests a cancellation, 50% of the payment may be forfeited if this request was made during the work process. If there is notice before the work is started, I, the artist will give a full refund. Once the initial revision is agreed upon and the final work is in process I will not refund the work unless I choose to initiate the process.
Any statement listed above can be bound to change if discussed with me prior to the commission/work.Note that if you as a client violate any of these terms you will be blacklisted from commissioning me in the future.